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We do not say there are no ill effects from wind turbines

Professor WarWick Anderson
CEO of the NHMRC




A Letter to the Premier Dalton McGuinty: December 22nd 2011

Dear Mr. McGinty:
First of all I acknowledge that your job is not an easy one and you must be kept busy with the number of issues that come across your desk.
I have written to you before about the CAW wind turbine and received your return message thanking me for my concerns and the usual response that you would pass them on to your Energy Minister/Environment Ministry.
I don't think that you are fully aware of the backlash that is being created over this issue or this turbine project would be ordered halted until it could be further investigated. You have talked about bullying in the schools and I spread the message when I was on the Police Service but the way this issue is being forced upon the residents of Saugeen Shores is bullying in it's highest form. 
The residents of Saugeen Shores elected Municipal Council and made their wishes very plain that we are not in favour of having wind turbines in our jurisdiction. Council turned down the CAW application for a turbine and the Ministry of Environment overturned their decision.
We have had a Town Hall meeting where the Lakeshore Racquet club was filled with concerned citizens wanting to learn more and what they could do to stop this fiasco. Our Chamber of Commerce has come out against the installation of turbines.
We heard from engineers who showed on a grid diagram how the turbines themselves are inefficient and costly. Having wind turbines all over our countryside that are ineffective and quite frankly an eyesore to the landscape is unacceptable.
If large urban areas are in favor of wind power then erect them around the GTA but I believe if the constituents knew the true facts, they would want a stoppage of installation until further study can be done.
I personally believe you have made a deal with the devil and due to pride, ego and whatever else, you have not backed down. I would have more respect for a leader who accepts that there are possibly adverse effects and would stop the installations of turbines until independent studies can be done. 
We also heard how these companies that are installing turbines are offering large amounts of cash up front to land owners to install the turbines on their property. A contract is signed where there is a GAG order included not allowing people to talk about ill effects should they be experienced. Does this sound right? 
Non of the residents that have corresponded with the Ministry of the Environment Ms Dumais have ever heard back from her and we are told there is a GAG order on her.
I am usually one of the citizens who doesn't say much but you have certainly now got my attention as well as thousands of others.
Politicians in recent years have asked why there is such low voter turnout at election time but is it any wonder when voters get the feeling their vote won't mean much. 
It doesn't make sense to anyone that the Ministry of Environment would put a 550m set back from residential areas on the installation of wind turbines for health and safety reasons then allow the CAW to install one within 150m of homes and cottages.
I realize one cannot please everyone but at least listen to the people who vote and stop this project. Allow the residents of Saugeen Shores to determine their own destiny. We are a tourist town who wish to not have these turbines erected around our beautiful area.
It is my belief that because of the installation of these turbines our price for electricity will double in the near future. Industries will not wish to invest in Ontario because of the high price of doing business and that will further result in loss of job opportunities for our youth. People will be unable to afford to pay their bills because of these ineffective turbines.
Sorry to have run on but please do the right thing morally and economically and cancel the installation of these turbines until more INDEPENDENT studies can be carried out.
I thank you for your time.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Gary Dale
Saugeen Shores.




Main Administration and Port Elgin Tourist Office: 559 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C4 Telephone (519) 832-2332 Fax (519) 389-3725 Tourist Information 1-800-387-3456 e-mail: Web
Southampton Visitor's Centre: 201 High Street, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0 Telephone (519) 797-2215 Fax (519) 797-5381 Tourist Information 1-888-757-2215 e-mail: Web Site:

December 12, 2011

Re: Canadian Auto Workers Convention Centre (C.A.W.) Wind Turbine Project

The Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce represents 435 local businesses. At our recent General Meeting a motion was passed unanimously to oppose the erection of the C.A.W. wind turbine and further to request that the Minister of the Environment and the Director of Approvals consider the public interest and exercise their authority to suspend or revoke the Certificate of Approval for the CAW’s wind turbine.
Saugeen Shores is a busy summer tourist destination and the business community relies heavily on this economic driver. For many reasons, such as noise, esthetics and general health concerns, placing a turbine so close to local beaches and cottages will negatively impact the tourism industry in our region.
While the Chamber of Commerce values the CAW Family Education Centre and the impact it has on our local businesses and economy in general, we are strongly in opposition to the wind turbine at C.A.W. We applaud and support the work of the advocacy group, Saugeen Shores Turbine Operation Policy (S.T.O.P.) against this project.
The Chamber of Commerce believes that the CAW wind turbine must be stopped immediately in the best interests of the continued prosperity of the business community and the residents of Saugeen Shores.
Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce 1-800-387-3456
Joanne Robbins, General Manager
Dalton McGuinty, Premier
Doris Dumais; Director of Environmental Approvals Access & Service Integration Lisa Thompson, MPP Huron Bruce
Ken Lewenza, CAW President
Linda White, Town Clerk, Saugeen Shores
Greg Schmalz, S.T.O.P. ( SaugeenShores Turbine Operation Policy )




Stop the treating us as mushrooms. 

Please don't act like cowards and bullies shoving this down the community's
throats amid our outrage like you know what's good for us. That's arrogant
and an abuse of power. That's not the CAW I've known as neighbours for 22
years since Bob White started the CAW. Have the guts to accept and admit low
frequency noise is proven to make a portion of the population sick and stop
hiding behind this self serving medical mantra and the fact that there are
no laws in place to govern it. 

Challenge number one: Kim, Wayne Couture from Kincardine wants you to stay
for a few days at one of the affected homes in his community near where
people have had to abandon their homes. You and Ken Bondy up for the

Challenge number two: Have Ken meet me at the board room table and discuss
win / win options to return the CAW to respected neighbour status and
maintain the CAW's commitment to a better world. Let's work together and
turn a negative into a positive. We will pay for and have installed on your
turbine foundation a new class of people friendly turbine with dramatically
lower dB A and dB G virtually eliminating health concerns. It will be ready
in 4 months. The CAW could be the champion of people friendly wind turbines
for the world. Or Ken we will write you a cheque to re locate it to an
approved location like the Bruce Power turbine site next to the their
information center where you could shuttle bus people from your teaching
facility. Or we will write you a cheque for the equivalent of the net profit
of the FIT contract which essentially pays for all your electricity for 20

Ready to talk?

Greg Schmalz
S.T.O.P. (SaugeenShores Turbine Operation Policy) follow us on Facebook at
Stop The Caw Turbine;; Join at
114 Shipley Ave. ( across the road from the CAW main entrance ) 519 389 3079





Dear Editor,

In the past several weeks my office has been overwhelmed with phone calls and emails regarding the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) wind turbine at the Family Education Centre. Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with members of Saugeen Turbine Operation Policy (S.T.O.P.) and the Director of the CAW to ensure I was fully informed on this issue.

The provincial government has not adequately addressed the health concerns surrounding industrial wind turbines near residential homes. The CAW is ignoring the wishes of the community by building an industrial wind turbine as close as 150m to residential property. Although this issue falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government I am calling on the CAW to be good neighbours, listen and compromise with the community of Saugeen Shores.

First and foremost, the CAW needs to hold an open public meeting to honour the community consultation process outlined in the Green Energy Act, a step that has not been taken or offered to the community to date.

Secondly, the CAW should be willing to compromise with the community and find a mutually agreeable solution. There are a number of alternatives the CAW could purpose including installing solar panels, striving to adopt LEED certification for their buildings or relocate the wind turbine to an alternate location away from residential areas.

Saugeen Shores is a beautiful place to live. This issue has already had a negative impact on people in the community. It would be unfortunate if this turbine was to negatively affect people’s way of life and their health.

I am urging the CAW to be a good neighbour and work with the residents and council in Saugeen Shores to find a mutually agreeable solution.


Ben Lobb, MP






Rally at the Town Yards (SE corner of Hwy.21 & CAW Rd) & walk to the CAW Gate
Bring your sign!
Hot chocolate provided by the Beachers
Wagon ride for those who can't walk the route

Greg Schmalz - S.T.O.P.
John Mann - S.T.O.P.
Ben Lobb, MPP
Lisa Thompson, MP
Mike Smith, Mayor
Luke Charbonneau, Deputy Mayor
Scott Duncan, Owner - Sugar Shack Tatoo in Kincardine & Citizen Rep for Intermunicipal Wind Working Group
Barbara Ashbee - Coordinator, VOW (Victims of Wind)

Support S.T.O.P. (SaugeenShores Turbine Operation Policy)




To the Editor:
I recently wrote to CAW President Ken Lewenza regarding his stand on the turbine installation at the Education Centre and to Doris Dumais of the MOE who issued Certificates of Approval. The attached are my letters. There is also a protest march being organized for this Saturday (Dec. 3) at 10am from Aunt Mabel's Restaurant to the CAW.

Sir, (to Ken Lewenza, CAW President)

I made a point of congratulating and shaking Buzz Hargrove's hand (re his book) a few months ago at a local restaurant in Port Elgin. He and his wife were dining with Bob White and his wife. I mention this to you so that you will understand my appreciation for fair worker treatment through union efforts. I've had family relatives spend their entire working careers as CAW proud members.

This CAW Turbine has cast a black shadow that is troubling from so many sides. I know you have received ample contacts from numerous concerned folks. For the life of me, I can't understand why you and your executive are trying to bury legitimate individual queries. I always thought that union mottos and actions dealt exclusively with the "people". You need to be reminded that I breathe as well, that I contribute as well, that I'm a father and a grandfather as well and most importantly I MATTER. What, in God's name, has taken you so far away from this basic human protocol?

I can spew the detrimental effects/facts back to you but I would like to introduce to you a lady whose family, because of turbine induced illness, had to move away from their Ripley home to Kincardine. That is not a rumour nor is this a mirage. I could introduce you to another lady whose once sound sleeping patterns are now laced with numerous sleep interruptions because the noise wakes her up. This is not some line of B.S. but reality. It irks me to no end that you consider me and my community second class citizens. There is one sobering guarantee that no longer can be shuffled to the bottom of the deck: where turbines are constructed, ill health of varying degrees will follow.

Do you no longer have the passionate ability to step away from the 'greenback' and consider us? This whole episode reminds me of 'CLASS ACTION'. The big wigs in an auto industry were willing to produce a faulty car knowing that the profits would far outweigh any lawsuits. Is this the attitude your executive and our government has adopted? There is no longer causal deniability by you, your executive, our government, the Sierra Club or any other organization that flies in the direction of currency induced statements. I suppose you believe from your national chair that a small dot on the horizon, Port Elgin, does not garner equal consideration. You are WRONG!

Please don't respond to me if you have no more to say than dishing out more of your tainted "platform". I only expect equality from a union that breaths equal rights. Your deception concerning a viable alternate location has only increased the animosity within Port Elgin. You and your executive should be concerned that the reputation of the Education Centre, once considered a good corporate neighbour, is rapidly disintegrating. There are so many inequalities out there that the general population will curse and shrug their shoulders as their only response.

Your bull-headed insistence to proceed with this project, has propelled this community to another level. I don't know if you understand the fabric of a small community or not. Our general familiarity with each other is what makes any small town a great place to live. I have lived my life here and can unequivocally state that to breach this fabric is to be shunned.

Wayne Mc Grath
Port Elgin




Brothers and Sisters,

Many of you know me and for those who don't, I'm a retired CAW member who spent 38 years in 2 different CAW represented workplaces (Allied Chemical and Chrysler Corp.). Many of those years were spent in leadership positions, Plant Chair for 9 years, Health and Safety Committees, NTC Instructor and for a short time before my retirement, a Collective Bargaining Instructor (LUDL) at Port Elgin.

I feel forced to write this letter to the Leadership because I have become APPALLED at the position my union has taken on the issue of the Industrial Wind Turbine installation at the Port Elgin Education Center. Since application for Approval in 2005 the CAW has had ample time to educate itself and its members on the downside of the Industrial Wind Industry, the hazards involved with installing them too close to human residences and the fraudulence in the claims of the industry and the government backing it. You have not done yourselves or the membership credit by ignoring this issue. I ask you to please check out the WCO website and read some of the testimonials from affected residents from not only Ontario but around the world. Contrary to what some well known individuals with their own agendas have said, this organization is totally grassroots with no connection to any Industry, and certainly not NIMBY's, just people caring about their fellow human beings. 

Rural Ontario has been invaded by carpetbaggers disguised as green saviours of the planet. Industrial wind Turbines are not green, they work intermittently, need full time fossil fuel backup and in many cases will never offset even the C02 emitted in the manufacture of their parts and the thousands of tons of cement that goes into their bases.

As human rights activists, the CAW should be concerned about the environmental devastation taking place in China where the rare earth minerals needed for the magnets in wind generators are being mined. The so called environmentalists within the Union know of this issue but choose to ignore it.

Dozens of homes have been abandoned in rural Ontario because of illness caused from noise, vibration and infrasound from Turbines located too close to residences, but again our Union instead of standing up for these residents choose to buy into CANWEA's propaganda that wind Turbines are benign.

I have 33 (2MW) turbines near my home, the closest being about 1500 meters away and when the wind is heavy at night from the west my ears are plugged and my head feels like it's going to explode. There are dozens of documented cases much worse than mine across Ontario but our Government chooses to ignore the issue because they’re too damn deep in bed with CANWEA.

I find it ironic that the CAW education programs talk of the evils of multi-national corporate lobbyists having too much influence on our Governments and then support the corruption and collusion that has taken place between CANWEA’slobbyists and the Liberal Government.

It's time that our Union recognizes that we are being led down a path of energy poverty. Where are our manufacturing plants going to be when energy prices drive them out of the Country? What will our Environment committees say when our membership is out of work and can't pay their hydro bills? Get a job in the Green Energy Industry? It’s past time that our environmental committee’s realized this is the real world not Disney World.

Look closely at the devastation taking place in European countries that bought into the so called Green Energy Industries propaganda 30 years ago, they have lost much of their traditional manufacturing base, unemployment has skyrocketed and many are so far in debt they are on the verge of being swallowed up by the World Bank. Ontario is following this same path of destruction.

Note: to Brother Lewenza

Ken, you know what my position has been on this Industry for the last 5 years. The more I learn the more corruption I find within this Industry. I realize your Job entails a helluva lot more than dealing with this issue but this one is going to come back and bite you in the Ass. Your assistants need to take the green blinders off, quit buying into all of the rhetoric and steer our members down a prosperous path in the REAL world.

Sincerely and in Solidarity

Bill Anderson




Yesterday, Lisa Thompson, MPP (Huron-Bruce) petitioned the House to listen to the residents of Port Elgin who are opposed to the CAW’s industrial wind turbine project.

An industrial wind turbine is being built in the middle of Port Elgin by the CAW at their Family Education Centre. In the six years since the project has been given approval, many residential homes have been built in the area, meaning that the turbine will not be following the 550 metre setback rule set out in government regulation. 

“I fully support the resolution put forth by the Saugeen Shores Council, and was pleased to present petitions to the Ontario Legislature from residents of Port Elgin who are opposed to this project being cited less than the government approved 550 metres from their homes,” said Thompson.

Late last week, Thompson addressed the President of the CAW, Ken Lewenza, and asked him to consider the health, wellness and wishes of the local residents and re-locate the project. Thompson is as concerned as area residents that the setbacks could be harmful to families as a third-party health and environmental study has not been completed.





Construction to begin on wind turbine in Port Elgin; hundreds of residents within 550m bubble
Port Elgin, ON, Friday 18 November 2011 – 35 concerned residents of Port Elgin Ontario have requested through legal counsel that the Minister of Environment stop the construction of an 800kW wind-powered electrical generator, which the CAW is attempting to erect as close as 150m to their homes. Current Regulations under the Environmental Protection Act require such generators to be a minimum of 550m away from all residences.
The CAW received its initial Certificate of Approval from the Ministry in 2005, but only applied for its final building permit in August of 2011. Even though the Regulations requiring the 550m set-back were enacted in September 2009, the Ministry says that the set-back does not apply since the project was approved several months earlier in March 2009. The wind turbine is to stand 76m tall, and all 35 concerned residents are within the 550m bubble.
Wind turbines are known to create chronic low frequency noise and vibrations, and nearby residents in close proximity to turbines have complained of dizziness, headaches, and sleep disturbance. Erickson v. Director, Ministry of the Environment, an Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal decision dated 18 July 2011 confirmed that wind turbines can, if “placed too close to residents”, cause harm to humans.
It is estimated that there could be as many as 100 homes currently within the 550m bubble. The entire area within the bubble will be residentially developed within the next 20 years according to Bruce County plans. Furthermore, two new sub-divisions have been approved by the Town, which will result in several hundred more homes being built within the bubble during the next several years.
“All we are asking is that the Minister hold the CAW to the standards that exist under the current law. The 550m set-back was enacted to protect people’s health and well-being. These residents are deeply concerned that this turbine will have ill-effects on their health. The current regulations lend credence to their concern. With this project, the CAW overrides the rights and safety concerns of hundreds of current and future residents of Port Elgin.”
– Daniel C. Santoro, Counsel to the 35 Concerned Residents
“The electorate made their views known loud and clear on this issue in the most recent provincial election. They spoke again in this Municipality on Monday, which passed a resolution requesting that the Minister stop the construction of this turbine. The CAW is overriding the will of the people with this project, not to mention potentially putting their health and safety in jeopardy. We just hope that the current government listens and acts on our concerns.”
-John Mann, Lawyer and Resident of Port Elgin Ontario
Contact: Daniel Santoro, Counsel to the Concerned Residents: 416.922.7272 Nicolas M. Rouleau, Counsel to the Concerned Residents: 416.885.1361






November 26, 2011
Doris Dumais
Director of Environmental Approvals
MOE, Ontario 
Dear Ms Dumais: 
I write to you today both personally and Professionally based on the conversations that I have had with several of my Professional colleagues who work at University Academic Centers in Toronto.
Although a major supporter of the Green initiatives in Canada, I am confused and upset that the decision to proceed with the construction of the wind turbine in Port Elgin, Ontario is ignoring the latest setback recommendations that were created in consideration of the current best available knowledge on the health and safety of all. In the medical field, as in all others as well, guidelines, recommendations, policies, procedures, and treatments change and respond to the best currently available knowledge, always with the intention of doing what is in the best interest of the patient and society. In the case of the wind turbine, all I ask is that this same principal be applied using the current (not past) recommendations of setback allowances.
Analogy: As your doctor, I know you would want me to treat your condition “x” based on the most current clinical practice guidelines and regulatory policies, not those that are out-dated or unlawful. Would you personally live right next to a wind turbine given some of the current clinical concerns coming from people who have? Or would you ignore them and simply explain those symptoms away as being psychosomatic? 
There are emerging scientific theories attempting to explain some of those symptoms experienced by those living near wind turbines. Personally, I do vacation in Port Elgin, but certainly would not live next to a wind turbine for similar concerns that I would have living under a high energy power transmission line, next to the Bruce Nuclear Power generating station, or a waste dumping site for that matter, keeping my distance concurrent with latest scientific and clinical recommendations as well as respecting my personal “gut feelings” as a surgeon, scientist and father.
I ask that you pay respect to the current Government created setback recommendations, stop and re-evaluate the project rather than potentially put the health and safety of those neighbours at risk.
You have the authority and responsibility to do so. 
Respectfully submitted,

Vito Forte MD, FRCS(C)
Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Hospital for Sick Children





No, you have not addressed my concerns. No one in Gobles Grove wants a wind turbine looming over a cottage area. Whether you are within the bare legalities, or you are misrepresenting the bare legalities, I don't have the expertise in the act to determine, so I won't address that. Here's what I do have the expertise to tell you: The CAW is planing to go ahead with this in the face of massive opposition from your community, your neighbours. You should be ashamed of yourself as someone in a union executive position. Lease land for your business venture in selling power to the grid far from this crowded residential area. And don't patronize people with statements like 'there is a long history of wind turbine development and a lot of information associated with it' as if the people you address aren't informed. You know very well there are persistent reports of health and well-being issues, environmental and safety problems with these turbines, and I'm sure we won't hear about them on the link you've sent me.
I have been disgusted by the arrogance and the willful misrepresentation of the arguments the CAW has chosen to adopt. You are ruining your organization's reputation more than you realize and you are utterly destroying the good will that has been present for many years toward your education centre in Gobles Grove. Does that mean nothing to you? You might want to consider that for more than the time it will take to send out another meaningless piece of pr. 
Trish Wilson
On 2011-11-22, at 9:43 PM, Ken Bondy wrote:
Greetings Trish,




Thank you for your email.
In regards to your concerns.
Current regulations, as laid out under the Province of Ontario’s Green Energy Act, do not require a “setback” for a turbine that operates at below 102 decibels (dB) at its source. Any wind turbine that operates at or above 102 dB requires a 550 metre setback.
The Certificate of Approval for Noise was obtained using a conservative sound power level of 103.5 dB. However, during the approvals process, the union made a conscious decision to constrain the power output of its turbine. As a result of this constraint, the source-point noise levels fall below the 102 db threshold. Therefore, the 550 metre setback is no longer applicable.
There is no scientific evidence that proves wind power projects lead to health impacts, despite repeated studies world-wide. That said windmills do emit some noise. The CAW has gone to great lengths to ensure that our FEC wind turbine meets noise control regulations as set by the province of Ontario.
I hope that I’ve addressed the concerns you’ve raised in your letter. Clearly, there is a long history of our wind turbine development and a lot of additional information associated with it. In the coming days, please visit our national for additional information that may be of interest to you. Material should be available as of November 24.

For any additional questions, please contact
Ken Bondy

National Coordinator
CAW-TCA Canada
205 Placer Court
Toronto, ON. M2H 3H9




Dear Editor:
I would like to address this paradoxical situation at the CAW concerning Wind Turbines. 

The CAW wishes to install a wind turbine that would be only approximately 150m set back from residential housing. The Ministry of the Environment considering the health and safety of residents has recently set a required set back of 550m. from residential properties. 
It is my understanding that the Ministry of the Environment had already given permission for the CAW to install their wind turbine prior to this ruling. I believe this Ministry now has the power considering their new guidelines to disallow the installation of these turbines as it could endanger the health and safety of residents. 
The Port Elgin Town Council who is also opposed to the building of the turbine structure has the power to create a by-law regulating the building of turbines as it could affect the health of their constituents. 
The CAW knowing the concerns of the Town of Port Elgin and their opposition to the building of this wind turbine so close to a residential area vows to go on ahead with the construction. This is the same CAW who has fought long and hard with corporations for the health and safety of their workers in the workplace and yet chose to ignore the concerns of the citizens in their immediate area. 
Is it not time for the CAW to withdraw their application in favour of further investigation of alternative power that may not be so intrusive such as solar power?
Hopefully they will not take the hard headed approach to march on. I would ask that the CAW officials do the right thing and consider the feelings of the citizens where they too must work and reside. 
Cancel the turbine project!
Gary Dale
Port Elgin




I am a resident at 114 Shipley Ave directly across the road from the CAW at 115 Shipley Ave. Today you had a conversation with Anne McNeilly saying you are reviewing information and will be in touch with local residents shortly.

We have formed a residents group called S.T.O.P.( Saugeen Turbine Operation Policy ) who’s demand is to stop the construction start of this turbine based on our health and safety concerns and our belief we were misinformed at the public hearings. We were given misleading information in 2005 as part of the public consultation process. The CAW brochure circulated CLEARLY said the electricity was to be used only by the CAW Family Education Facility to supply it’s own needs. We were told last Friday by the CAW Community Officer that in fact all the electricity is to be sold to the grid at a profit under a FITT Contract issued in 2010. This change done after the initial public hearings and the OMB hearings makes this turbine a for profit commercial enterprise not allowed in the zoning the CAW has been assigned. If we had known this in 2005 or in 2009 I and I’m sure the majority of residents would have said NO.

We respectfully demand the permit to construct be revoked.

Yours truly,

Greg Schmalz
114 Shipley Ave.
Saugeen Shores
519 389 3079





Dear Mr. Fowler

Your form letter response to objections to the wind turbine project depicts the end result of this turbine project as being NOBLE and in the best interest of the community, and nothing can be further from the truth from a town residents perspective. You have missed the point completely, and based on how this project has been thrust upon us, that is and was the CAW’s intent. When your initial rezoning request was turned down by council, and you went further up the chain to the OMB to force the issue, your intent became crystal clear…..council speaks for the people of Saugeen Shores, and it is quite apparent you are not listening them or us.

Your attempt at a Green Initiative that helps employment, infrastructure and is a renewable energy source in the area as a justification for its construction is all well and good, but I hope you have ‘accrued the GREEN’ to satisfy the liabilities and class action lawsuits you will be exposing yourself to. With the inevitable decreased property values in and around the turbine site, the potential for health issues due to its close proximity to residential development (that is only increasing in size) as a result of significantly smaller setbacks, and the impact on the ‘quality of life’ for residents who will live in the shadow of this giant windmill, the accumulative negative effects of this project are significant and far reaching, and in all honesty, I think you have underestimated the fallout that will result by going forward with its construction.

I hope you understand the long standing negative impact to the local area (and I stress the word local) this project will have, but your actions and justification truly indicate that you don’t care about your immediate neighbours or the surrounding community as you continue to move forward against public opinion.

Robert Hayter
R R #2 31 Collard Way
Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C6

(519) 832-4658 H
(519) 832-0206 C




Dear members:

I reside in the approximate area of the Family Education Centre, Port Elgin, Ontario.
My name is Brad Hewlette. I live at 170 Stickle St Port Elgin Ont.
The CAW wants to build a windmill that will affect my home and all associations to owning this dwelling.

The following was taken from your website
The CAW Family Education and Conference Centre is located on the shores of Lake Huron. Picturesque, clean beaches highlighted by the most beautiful sunsets make this destination irresistible.

I believe a windmill at this site will not only have a negative effect on my family and property, but also the community as well. There are planned residential projects that will suffer, would you want a windmill in your view, or have to suffer their documented negative effects.
We don’t want to see a windmill built at its proposed location.
Please help us be our voice of concern and raise the issue that you are not in favour of building a windmill at the Family Education Centre, Port Elgin, Ontario.

Thanks for your support.


Brad Hewlette




S.T.O.P.(saugeen turbine operation policy) signage now up across road from
main entrance to CAW Family Education Centre on my property located 300
metres from turbine site. Over 100 family homes are located within the 550
metre setback requirement. CAW Executive, CAW Membership, Minister, MOE, MP,
MPP all SILENT to our demands to be heard based on new health and safety
information not available previously yet the CAW post a media press release
saying we are meeting with residents to allay their concerns.

CAW members, CAW Retirees and CAW Family Education employees are anonymously
saying to us they are not in favour of the turbine in this location, are
disgusted with the HYPOCRISY of the CAW as supposed champions of peoples'
health and safety and the BULLYING tactics of the CAW on their neighbours
while portraying the opposite to the press.

Greg Schmalz
114 Shipley Ave.































































































From Shoreline Beacon Feb 14 2012


Oh, Mr. Lewenza. You're so very, very good at your attempts to mislead the public.

Unfortunately for you, the people you're dealing with are not as dumb as you had hoped they'd be.

In your letter last week you stated the following: "It (the turbine) will be running at a capacity of 500 kW and is expected to offset 60 per cent of the FEC's power usage, or 350 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year."

Which makes it sound like the turbine will be generating 60% of the power at the CAW facility. But that's not actually the case, is it?

According to the CAW National Health and Safety coordinator, Ken Bondy, in a radio interview on 740AM with Dale Goldhawk (December 2011), he tried to spin the same story. But Dale called him on it and the conversation went like this:

Dale Goldhawk: "Well, it's also about money. I mean you get the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) when the thing goes into operation, right?"

Ken Bondy: "Yeah, we had originally hoped we could run a turbine that took us right off of the grid, but, again, the provincial protocols don't allow us to do that. So there will certainly be a financial benefit to us as this will provide about 65% of the power that we use at our centre which is quite a sprawling complex and you know, that the other part of the

educational tool is to say that there are ways that we can utilize energy by creating it ourselves."

Dale Goldhawk: "But, you're not diverting any energy .... you're saying that 65 per cent of your cost of electricity will be deferred by the Feed In Tariff that you'll be paid for operating the wind turbine. Right? That's the idea."

Ken Bondy: "Right. I mean we have to generate the energy and have to sell it back to Hydro One and then we get that compensation. Yes."

The full interview is still up on 740AM's website, so anyone can listen to it and confirm the above conversation. (

So Mr. Lewenza, you aren't going to be producing 60 per cent of the energy for your centre with your turbine. You'll be able to OFFSET the COST of your energy bill at your facility through more money coming from the taxpayers' pocket. Which is really what this whole turbine thing was about all along, wasn't it?

Lori Griffin Port Elgin








For anyone facing proposals by Saturn Power, or whose local papers printed letters from Saturn's president - Doug Wagner...
I wrote a letter to the editor regarding Mr. Wagner's letter in the Ontario Farmer and the Owen Sound Sun (it is below, and I hope it will be printed). If you want me to send my letter in response to any you have seen, please let me know.
Monica in C-K

Your readers need to question the motives of those who are in favour of industrial wind power. For example Doug Wagner. You don't have to look far to see his pecuniary interest... he is the president of Saturn Power and the proponent for the Gesner Wind project in Chatham-Kent, so he stands to rake in lots of our money thanks to government subsidies for which the Auditor General of Ontario says a proper cost-benefit analysis has never been done. 
Even more misleading is Mr. Wagner's statement that he spoke with a wind developer in Germany who said that he hadn't heard of any health issues for 20 years. Why would Mr. Wagner relay that information, when he could have asked the neighbours that live near the Talbot Wind turbines on his property in Chatham-Kent??? 

Perhaps because he would have had to tell you that a resident living approximately 1 km from those turbines has been suffering from sleep disturbance since they began operating. A different neighbour (1 km away) can hear the turbines inside their home and have installed blinds and built a waterfall to try to deal with the problems. Another homeowner approximately 700 m from the same turbines describes their home now as "like living in an airport" with excessive noise and shadow flicker. Another neighbour who lives approximately 1.5 km from the turbines on the Wagner property is also experiencing sleep disturbance, reduced quality of life, and excessive noise resulting in over 90 calls to the MOE regarding noise pollution from the turbines.

Next your readers might want to ask themselves how these turbines are affecting Mr. Wagner's quality of life and health. He would tell you that he has "no problem" with the turbines and that he loves the money he takes from hard working Ontarians. I suspect that he would neglect to tell you that (to the best of my knowledge) he lives more than 100 km away from the turbines on his property. He would also neglect to tell all the other wind leaseholders that he has been contacted by a neighbour of his property in Chatham-Kent, telling him of the noise problems, in the hopes that he could correct the problem before a nuisance lawsuit becomes necessary.

It is time to stop ignoring the injustice caused by the wind scam.

It is time to demand a full public enquiry into industrial wind.

M Elmes








We would like to register for Tuesday February 21, 2012 . The lead presenter will be myself Greg Schmalz, 114 Shipley Ave. ,Port Elgin, N0H2C5, ph 519 389 3079. I will be accompanied by Wayne McGrath, retired teacher and resident of Port Elgin.

I am the spokesperson for S.T.O.P. (SaugeenShores Turbine Operation Policy) a residents advocacy group focused on educating the public on the potential for health concerns relating to spending time in close proximity to industrial wind turbines. A wind turbine has been built in the town of Port Elgin in opposition to the Town Council’s directive which calls for a setback safety buffer zone of 2,000 metres from the TOWN LIMITS. It is set to begin operations in late March. Approximately 4,000 people’s homes, several elementary schools and daycare centres, churches, shopping centres as well as soccer / baseball / tennis fields are located within 2,000 metres of this for profit business enterprise. This subject makes WI FI and Peanut Allergy pale in comparison.

We would like to discuss some of the documented negative health concerns, raise awareness as to symptoms, and encourage the school board to research this subject further. We would hope the board would take the appropriate action and demand this industry cease operations.

We look forward to our information session,

Yours truly,
Greg Schmalz








Be Wary of the Big Green Monster – Integrity.

It relieves me to know that the CAW media department has actually read some of the Letters to the Editor, and have formulated responses to such letters. Too bad they just don’t get it! They are truly unable to understand the growing body of evidence that placing an Industrial Wind Turbine in a residential neighbourhood is irresponsible, not to mention, a public relations nightmare. Basically (as I read it) they claim to have done nothing wrong, and technically, they are correct. It was remember, the MOE who issued the Certificate of Approval to place this morally, ethically, and civically wrong Industrial Wind Turbine inside our town limits. It is ironic however, that Mr. Lowenza has lost support from a majority of the local people, the same people to whom he is always looking for support (ref: 2011 provincial election results in ridings where IWT were an issue). It is also ironic that he is supported by a government that he openly criticizes for acting like a corporation, and he, himself, makes a living from accusing said government of being greedy bullies. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
To me, this has become a public relations nightmare for Mr. Lowenza, as the public opens fire on his very blatant hypocrisy. He, himself, has taken advantage of the same things that he is critical of others for doing, such as generous government grants, ignoring Health and Safety concerns, and generous government incentives that just happen to take jobs away from the province (see recent Auditor General’s report and my last Letter to the Editor). At this point Mr. Lowenza should be in damage control mode, what with the inconveniently timed announcement from the OFA (Ontario Federation of Agriculture) requesting a moratorium to further development of Wind Turbines until proper health studies have been done, and to stop any further division of families and communities. There are also the many promises made by representatives of the CAW, but to date, no actions have been made (should health problems become an issue) to dismantle the Wind Turbine. I am willing to speculate that they don’t want to touch this issue (as per Ken’s letter) until the Turbine is running and they can claim “to change course at this late stage is unthinkable” (ref: Ken’s letter Dec 6, 2011) and their lawyers have figured out how to deflect attention away from them or make it so onerous or nearly impossible for anyone to prove “direct causal relationship between the operation of the CAW Wind Turbine and ill health effects”
In response to another Letter to the Editor from a FEC (Family Education Centre) employee, I am postulating that some employees at the FEC find themselves conflicted, and unappreciated. These same employees have worked hard for years, earned a good living, reached out to the community in times of need and given back to the community, yet they now find themselves the target of public anger. It may be sad, but true. You are often judged by your last action, and a lifetime of work can be destroyed by one reckless act.
My final point, Integrity, according to the online dictionary is “adherence to moral and ethical principles”, some might say ‘doing the right thing’. Has every employee at the FEC done the right thing? What will it take for Mr. Lowenza to admit a mistake was made, to fix it, and regain his position in the community again?
Dear Mr. Lowenza, how do I explain to my children or anyone else’s children or grandchildren that they can no longer visit and play on their beloved beach because their house or cottage is located to closely to your Wind Turbine, and they now find
themselves suffering from ill health, while you deny any connection. My fear is that by the time a resolution is reached, the children will have missed the best part of their lives to play on the beach, and spend precious time with their parents and grandparents.


David Shemilt
Port Elgin






Dear Editor:
The turbine at the CAW Centre is not simply an issue for a hundred and fifty of Saugeen Shores citizens but an issue for all Saugeen Shores residents. This is not only about turbines but also about democracy itself.

At the latest Town Hall meeting we learned that there is an application for thirty- one more turbines to be erected around Saugeen Shores.  The fact is that these turbines are useless for power output when needed, unable to store power and will still need fossil fuel to operate. They have a negative affect on our environment, our health and property values in the area.

The CAW refuses to listen to reason or at least stop the project until further independent studies can be done to evaluate the cause and effects of these turbines. They are basically thumbing their collective noses at the citizens of Saugeen Shores and showing little compassion for the health and safety of the citizens. Good Neighbours, I think not!!!

The Liberal’s under the leadership of Dalton McGuinty are determined to go ahead with the turbines to illustrate that they are for “Green Energy”. There seems to be plenty of evidence that turbines interfere with the health and safety of people within 1000m of these turbines. Mr. McGuinty refuses to put a halt on construction of these turbines to have them investigated by an independent group of engineers. The turbines are costing taxpayers 1.5-2million dollars to erect each turbine and they will make no substantial contribution to the power grid. The basic fact is that Ontario will soon face a doubling of their hydro bills to support this project. Will businesses want to settle in Ontario when they have to pay extravagant hydro rates? My guess is that businesses will want to settle in other provinces where power will be cheaper. That will mean far less employment opportunities in Ontario and people unable to pay for their power bills.

Mr. McGuinty talks about bullying and how it has to stop in our schools and yet he is resorting to the highest form of bullying. The citizens of Saugeen Shores, the Town Council, the Chamber of Commerce has all voiced their objections to these turbines in our area and yet McGuinty and his Government are forcing us to accept them in our town. It has become quite apparent that the companies the Liberals are dealing with to erect the turbines are offering large amounts of cash to the landowners to get acceptance for the erection of these turbines. It has been said that within the agreements is a clause preventing the signing parties from discussing among other things health issues in other words a GAG order.

I as a citizen of Saugeen Shores and Ontario am fed up with back room deals, gag orders and money changing hands privately. This behavior erodes the confidence the average citizen is supposed to have in government as elected officials. We need leadership that is above board and will survive any kind of public scrutiny. We need elected officials who stand up for what they and the constituents who elected them to believe in and will morally do the right things. Is it any wonder that after every election there is a question as to why there was such a low voter turn out? People feel helpless with this type of behavior taking place on a daily basis.





LETTER TO THE EDITOR February 1, 2012
With reference to Ken Lewenza’s and Roxy Angel’s letters in last week’s paper everyone in the town fully understands that the CAW Union ‘s Family Education Centre has been a good neighbour, employer and economic resource for the community. Unfortunately the CAW Union National Executive has made a policy decision to place a large scale industrial wind turbine ( Europe’s most popular model ) on their property too close to people’s homes and businesses.
Surely the fact that our Kincardine and Ripley neighbours have been forced to abandon homes and testify at local, publically held, provincial health impact hearings would be enough for the CAW to say stop until these problems are sorted out. In fact 38,000 farmers across Ontario just called on the Liberal government for a moratorium on new wind turbine start ups until health issues are resolved. Our Federal Government is conducting a review of health implications. Like the Ontario Federation of Agriculture the CAW common sense response should say stop the construction until the well documented health problems are studied by the medical community in an official manner. Our own provincial government’s ERT Environmental Review Tribunal )panel says they harm people.
Symptoms of windsyndrome, ( dizzyness, nausea, headaches, vertigo, chronic sleeplessness ) should be all that our residents need to offer up as evidence to the CAW that the turbine is having a health impact on their lives and shut it down.
The residents of Saugeen Shores and the CAW FEC employees share the same health concerns. Let’s agree to put aside all the pro and anti wind rhetoric. We are all human beings just wanting to be safe, healthy and live in the town we love.
Recognising that people were concerned about the health and safety effects of industrial wind turbines the CAW held a meeting on Nov.16,2011 with a representative of the town, Luke Charbonneau ( Deputy Mayor ), and a representative of the residents, John Kyles (President – Beachers Association ).
Here are the actual emails between the CAW, the Deputy Mayor and the President of the Beachers’ Association related to that meeting:

At 10:51 on Nov. 16/11 Luke Charbonneau emailed the following to Dean Fowler:
Thanks to you and your team for taking the time to meet with John and I this afternoon. I certainly appreciated frank and cordial nature of the discussion.
In our meeting, Mr. Lewenza committed that the CAW would hold public safety above all other considerations as this project moves forward. It was stated by Mr. Lewenza and by your colleagues that should your turbine prove to threaten public safety in some demonstrable manner that you would address the problem openly and that you would be willing to go so far as to shut the turbine down (or control its hours of operation) if need be.
You committed to finalizing the CAW’s intended approach to dealing with the public’s concerns as required by your MOE certificate of approval and to communicating that information to the public as soon as possible. It was also suggested by Mr. Lewenza that the CAW would consider establishing a public forum for engaging the community and gather input on the ongoing operations of the turbine (more precisely he suggested that a committee could be formed with community representation)
Please confirm that this is an accurate reflection of our meeting from your perspective and that the CAW will endeavour to communicate all of this information to the public in short order.
Thanks again,

At 12:35 on Nov.17/11 Dean Fowler’s emailed the following to Luke Charbonneau:
Greetings Luke.
Thanks for your email. Your summary of the meeting is accurate and our hope is to get a press statement our sometime tomorrow. I will contact the town soon to discuss the communication process for dealing with concerns once the turbine has been erected and discuss the process of forming a committee.
Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.
Dean Fowler
On Dec. 1, 2011 Ken Bondy, CAW National Health and Safety and Environment Coordinator appeared live on Toronto’s Zoomer Radio talk show called Goldhawk Fights Back. The following are his quote
Bondy: “ And I'll reiterate this again. That is ... our National president has said if there are any issues that come forward that we have evidence on we will shut that turbine down.
Goldhawk: “Even after you dig the hole, put in the concrete and put up the turbine?”
Bondy: “That's the commitment from our National president in a meeting that we had 2 weeks ago with the deputy mayor of the township and the president of the Port Elgin Beachers Association and because again ultimately we will not put people’s health and safety at risk if that is determined, after this project has been completed."
Goldhawk: "Ken Bondy- I take what you say quite seriously and I take you at your word, that if this thing goes up and there are complaints of sleeplessness and other standard health effects we hear from these wind turbines, that the CAW will shut this thing down.”
Bondy: “We're open to consultation and communication with the community and ah again we'll look forward to hearing from the community as this project goes forward , but again we're keeping a positive perspective.”
Goldhawk: “I know that, but I'm saying , You did say a few moments ago, if there is a problem and it's making life miserable for people near the wind turbine, you will shut it down.”
Bondy: “Yes that's the commitment from our National President.”

Both the meeting emails and the radio interview clearly express the CAW’s written and oral promise to the residents, including the CAW Family Education Center employees, that if the turbine is shown to be a threat or risk to public health and safety it will be shut down.
Given the levels of anxiety, fear and mistrust that exist in the community today over this turbine, it is reasonable and appropriate for the elected representatives of the people to request that the CAW simply put their promise in writing in the form of an enforceable agreement. This gesture alone will go a long way in healing the wounds and restoring the CAW to it’s pre- turbine good neighbour status. 

Greg Schmalz






























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